Exhibitors News

FALP Mobile Clinic raises awareness about early detection of Breast Cancer at Expo Salud 2022

During the 3 days that Expo Hospital 2022 will take place, Arturo López Pérez Foundation (FALP) will be present exhibiting one of its modern mobile clinics with which it annually performs free mammograms to women from all over the country.

Publicada: Thursday 8 de September del 2022
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During the 3 days that Expo Salud 2022 will take place, Arturo López Pérez Foundation (FALP) will be present exhibiting one of its modern mobile clinics with which it annually performs free mammograms to women from all over the country, especially those who live in rural areas or far away from health centers. This, through its Breast Cancer Early Detection Program, which seeks to contribute to the timely detection of this oncological pathology, in order to increase national coverage rates in the female population. The objective of the program, created by FALP 15 years ago, is to bring closer and improve the offer of mammograms for vulnerable and low-income women, understanding that this examination is precisely the best tool for the early detection of this disease which, despite having a survival rate of over 95% when detected in time, continues to be the leading cause of death from cancer in Chile. The FALP mobile clinics have visited 14 of the 16 regions of the country with 7 mobile units fully equipped for mammography: high precision diagnostic equipment, mammography room and interactive modules that invite women to learn about cancer prevention and self-care, with specialized personnel.

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