Exhibitors News

ZeroQ presents solutions to improve user experience in healthcare facilities

Startup specialized in care models will be present at Expo Hospital 2023, with a system that combines different virtual and face-to-face management tools.

Publicada: Thursday 31 de August del 2023
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The startup ZeroQ will present technological solutions to reduce waiting times for public attention and streamline the management of branches in healthcare institutions at Expo Salud 2023, an event to be held between September 12 and 14. To this end, the company, which specializes in customer service channels, has developed a model that combines remote scheduling, queue management, in-branch video call, physical ticketing and self-service totems, depending on the patient’s requirements. In this way it is possible to reduce waiting times to a maximum of 3 minutes and increase customer satisfaction to 98%, with a lower abandonment rate. “These tools make it possible to get the most out of the service channels, offering different management modalities in physical or virtual form,” explains Xania Pantoja, ZeroQ’s commercial manager, adding that the digitalization of the service channels helps to significantly improve the user experience. According to the executive, the incorporation of a queue management system not only favors a general improvement in customer service, but also helps to solve practical and operational situations within a branch, such as people traffic. This, thanks to the data collected in real time, which favors decision making with accurate information, both for a contingency and in the medium or long term. The solutions provided by ZeroQ have different information modules, such as the command center, which allows a complete view of the status of branches; a statistical panel with real-time reports on customer service; a configuration panel, which allows the assignment of service priorities; and another one of an official type, where the executive manages the attention of people and times. In this way, the statistical information available provides data on more than 20 variables in real time, including waiting time, service time, the executive who attended and the number of pauses, metrics that help to align strategic decisions with the establishment’s goals and initiatives. “When data is used, decisions are based on facts and not on conjecture,” he stresses. For this reason, ZeroQ believes that healthcare institutions can advance in greater automation of their care channels, which will allow them to improve times, reduce resources and increase the experience of their clients. “It is difficult to know where the future of customer service is going, but at ZeroQ we work every day to visualize the best way to adapt and deliver a unique service that anticipates the needs of customers through innovation,” concludes Xania Pantoja. About ZeroQ ZeroQ is a software that allows companies to get the most out of their customer service channels, offering the possibility of managing customer service in different ways: physical, virtual or hybrid. Each of ZeroQ’s solutions has different customer service panels such as: command center (360º vision of the status of the branches), statistics panel (real time and customizable reports on customer service), configuration panel (where it is 100% customizable both the identity of the buttons, the names, it also allows to segment rows, give priorities of attention) and the official module (panel of attention of the executive that allows to see the people in lines, the attention times, etc.).

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