Exhibitors News

Telcomed and Saludtech; technology and health professionals at everyone’s fingertips

Telcomed, an alliance between Telconor, Punto Cero and Saludtech, seeks to reduce the gap in access to healthcare in rural communities through telemedicine. With the support of more than 200 health professionals, this network offers specialised remote medical consultations, improving the quality of life of patients in remote areas, with agile and accessible technological solutions.

Publicada: Friday 6 de September del 2024
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Telcomed, an innovative associative network between Telconor, Punto Cero and Saludtech, created with the aim of reducing the gap in access to healthcare in rural and remote areas of large cities, is a proposal that combines the best of technology and quality medical care. Backed by more than 200 health professionals, Saludtech offers telemedicine services that allow patients in remote communities to access specialist consultations quickly and efficiently. In a world where access to health services remains a challenge for many people in rural areas, Saludtech seeks to change this reality by offering teleconsultations that eliminate geographical barriers and bring medical care closer to those who need it most. This project was born out of the conviction that everyone, no matter where they live, deserves to receive quality medical care, and that technology is the key tool to achieve this. Technology and Professionals at the Service of the Community Thanks to Telcomed’s advanced technology, Saludtech is now able to offer an agile and accessible service, where patients can be attended by highly trained professionals just a click away. This system not only facilitates access to healthcare, but also allows for continuous and personalised monitoring of each patient, ensuring that they receive the right treatment and recommendations at all times. Saludtech has a multidisciplinary team of more than 200 health professionals, including doctors, specialists, nurses and technicians from various areas. This team, together with the technological platform and support team, allows consultations to be carried out efficiently and safely, giving patients the peace of mind of being in the hands of experts and being guided at all times. A Real Impact on Rural Communities The impact of Saludtech is already being felt in a number of rural communities, where patients who previously had to travel long distances to receive medical care can now consult with a specialist from the comfort of their home or the nearest health centre. This not only saves time and resources, but also improves people’s quality of life by ensuring more equitable access to health services. Telcomed is committed to further expanding its reach and continuing to develop innovative solutions that enable more people to benefit from its services. With a vision of a world where healthcare is accessible to all, regardless of location, Telcomed continues to work every day to bring healthcare closer to those who need it most.

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